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  • رقم 159#، حديقة شياندو الصناعية، طريق تشينغيانغ، منطقة وجيانغ، مدينة سوتشو، الصين
  • السبت - الاثنين 8.00 - 18.00الأحد مغلقة

آلة وسم الألياف بالليزر

Hello kids! Today we are going to learn about a very special type of machine, namely the الليزر. This machine is really cool marks or labels from various objects. It is capable of working on metals, plastics, even papers! These machines manufactured by a company named YQlaser are widely used in electronics factories, hospitals, jewelry shops and more. Let us take a closer look at how this very cool machine works and why is important.

The Fiber Laser Technology is fantabulous! It employs a focused laser beam — similar to a high-intensity light, that is used to create marks on various surfaces. Think of it like a magic pen that you can write with anything you like! This technology produces highly accurate markings even on sub-microscopic level. It makes these marks both precise and easyto–read. The marking machine for fiber laser could process various things, such as text, patterns, logo, and even image. It is literally a robot artist working in the factory to create beautiful designs and vital labels!

2) "Efficient and Versatile Marking for Various Materials

That is one of the awesome things plexdographics that despite the variety in calling purposes, آلة النقش بالليزر can make markings on different materials, for example, metals, plastics, and papers. This is even more useful because there are some materials to get by which is hard without the presence of regular marking pens or markers. Another instance is that, if write on a metal with a normal pen so not instead of it. However, using the fiber laser marking machine makes it possible to mark metal surfaces fast and easy. It is even able to engrave on clear materials like glass or acrylic — something many other machines are unable to do. It is due to this versatility that it really is an incredibly useful machine for many different jobs in various industries!

Why choose YQlaser fiber laser marking machine?

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