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प्रतीक चिन्ह
  • [email protected]
  • नं.159#, ज़ियांडू औद्योगिक पार्क, क़िंगयांग रोड, वुजियांग जिला, सूज़ौ शहर, चीन
  • सोम - शनि 8.00 - 18.00संडे क्लोज्ड

co2 laser cnc भारत

Have you ever wondered how meticulously and precisely things are done? Well, now you can find out more about it! A CO2 laser CNC technology provided by YQlaser company is being called on to produce very precise cuts. It does sound super cool as it uses lasers to cut materials instead of conventional tools. CNC means “computer numerical control,” so a computer facilitates the control of the laser’s movement and cutting action. It makes very precise cuts that humans cannot replicate by hand. The cuts are precision which leads to better products and designs.

Unmatched Precision and Efficiency with CO2 Laser CNC Systems

High accuracy, high efficiency, CO2 laser CNC machine cutting is more fine. The laser beam is directed towards the material — wood or metal, for instance — and creates clean cuts every time. This is to say that when a piece is cut the edges are clean and straight. This technology is used in many sectors, from manufacturing processes in airplanes, automobiles, and consumer goods. Due to this precision, CO2 laser CNC technology is preferred by many companies for cutting needs.

Why choose YQlaser co2 laser cnc?

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