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CO2 लेजर कटर कैसे काम करते हैं? भारत

2024-12-18 17:26:42
CO2 लेजर कटर कैसे काम करते हैं?

CO2 Laser Cutters are specially made machines, they use strong light (lasers) to cut through multiple materials. They are useful for the fact that they can handle lots of different projects while making extremely precise cuts and designs. This article will discuss how CO2 laser cutting works, what are the benefits of CO2 lasers, and what are some of its drawbacks as well. YQlaser is one of the best companies when it comes to laser cutting machines. They are a pioneer in the world of laser cutting technology and are constantly innovating products. 

How CO2 Laser Cutting Works 

CO2 Laser Cutting A mixture of special types of gases is used in CO2 laser cutting. This mix contains carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and helium. When the gas is hit with electricity, the gas emits energy as light. Note that this light is offering us considerable help in the cutting process. Mirrors are used to guide the light to the cutting head of the machine. At the cutting head, this light is concentrated and fired in a thin and potent beam. It is this very powerful beam that actually penetrates through the various materials to do the work, permitting work to be done quite precisely. 

The Relevance of CO2 Laser Technology 

CO2 lasers technology was not new and much development has been done over the years. From the latest laser cutters which utilize powerful software and computer programs for controlling the cutting process. This technology guarantees accuracy and precision with every cut. As a consequence, today's CO2 laser cutters are engineered to operate extremely efficiently and reliably. This means they are perfect for factories that need to churn out lots of products quickly and accurately. 

CO2 Lasers: How Gas and Mirrors Make a Cutter 

CO2 laser cutting relies on a gas mixture that is crucial to the efficiency of the cutting process. The type of gas mixture can vary depending on the material that is being cut. These properties necessitate using different gas mixtures for acrylic and wood, for example. Thus, to repeat, the gases have to be selected very wisely for optimal outcomes. CO2 laser cutting also relies on mirrors to direct the output beam. These assist in guiding the laser to the cut head. The mirrors must be incredibly accurate, as they guarantee that the laser beam remains focused and at the correct dimensions throughout the cut.