  • [email protected]
  • No.159#, park industrijali Xiandu, Qingyang Rd, distrett ta 'Wujiang, Belt ta' Suzhou, Ċina
  • Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00Il-Ħadd Magħluq

Lejżer inċiżjoni bil-lejżer

Lasers are super neat and have so many cool uses! Lasers come with one magic trick up their sleeve and it is called inċiżjoni bil-lejżer. So it is incorporate a laser to engrave cute patterns on various items. YQlaser is a professional company in laser engraving. 

    Transforming Objects with Laser Engraving Technology

    Laser engraving is a great way to jazz up a variety of items! YQlaser applies this amazing technology to make rigali uniċi. Such as key(chain), coasters, and phone cases. They can also engrave into other material like wood, plastic and even metal

    Why choose YQlaser Laser engraving laser?

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